Belly Fat Quickly Burns Away With Secret Red Tea
By Liz Swann Miller
Author of Red Tea Detox
5 Amazing, Life-Changing Secret Ingredients that go into making the West African Red Tea Detox
Belly Fat Burning Secret Ingredients
Here are the 5 Secret Ingredients. Click the video below that tells about the Red Tea Detox Program that reveals how to mix these five ingredients into a weight loss winning combination.
5 Unique Ingredients that...
- A bioflavonoid which reduces stress hormones
- Decreases calorie intake
- Boosts your metabolic fat-burning rate
- A diuretic, promotes urine flow without causing dehydration
- Improves the speed of digestion and gives relief from gas and bloating
Secret Ingredient #1
– I call this the incredible fat-cell shrinker. It contains a unique bioflavonoid which reduces stress hormones that contribute to hunger and the storage of fat while it increases glucose uptake to aid in the balance of blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.
That means you’ll feel more energized while you get thin, because this special ingredient has been shown to inhibit the production of new fat cells!
But even more important, this ingredient’s powerful antioxidants protect the liver against damage, aid in reducing cholesterol, help regulate your blood sugar levels, and even improve your mood.
Now, it’s important that this ingredient is mixed at just the right amount. That’s why you’ll need to download the recipe today and follow it exactly… Otherwise, you won’t get the results you want! Moving on…
Secret Ingredient #2
– This 2nd unique ingredient decreases calorie intake with a mechanism that works by blocking dietary fat digestion and then acting as an antioxidant and reducing inflammation.
Plus, it increases feelings of fullness and enhances glucose and fat metabolism … So you burn more fat while absorbing fewer calories! This is important because it means you can still eat plenty of food, and your body will simply take fewer calories, making it easy to lose weight.
Secret Ingredient #3
– This 3rd unique ingredient increases blood flow and stimulates the secretion of adrenaline to boost your metabolic fat-burning rate while it also improves insulin sensitivity and lowers cholesterol.
It is a great detoxifier, and it even helps your digestive system clear food faster, keeping your whole body cleaner.
Secret Ingredient #4
– The 4th unique ingredient is a diuretic, so it promotes urine flow but without altering the excretion of sodium & potassium, and it won’t cause dehydration. This is critical to detoxing your body the right way!
It promotes the functioning of the kidneys and liver and increases the amounts of various enzymes in the digestive tract, so it helps improve digestion and flushes the fat.
Again, it’s incredibly important that you use these ingredients in just the right amount. If you just mix them all together without the recipe, you won’t enjoy the body detoxing, fat-burning, energy-boosting effects you need!
Secret Ingredient #5
– The final unique ingredient in this red tea helps the body to metabolize carbohydrates more effectively.
It has been shown to lower insulin resistance while stimulating metabolism, helping prevent increased fat storage by ensuring that lower blood sugar levels are maintained.
This special spice improves the speed of digestion and gives relief from gas and bloating too. It makes this red tea taste delicious… And it adds a powerful fat-burning boost!
To find out how to combine these ingredients to create delicious, fat-
burning red tea, click the video below. The Red Tea Detox System is changing
the way people lose weight, and it could be just what you need to reach
your weight loss goals. Visit (Red Tea Detox) to learn more and discover
if the program is right for you.