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Belly Fat

Losing Belly Fat is Often Sabotaged by Cultural Myths and False-Information

By Kyle Cooper
Author of The Fat Decimator

Is Your Plan to Lose Belly Fat Being Sabotaged by These Myths
 - Part 1

Belly fat? I checked, " How to lose belly fat" in Google recently and it was searched over 156 Million times. Wow! How to lose belly fat is a tremendous concern to a lot of people. And it's too bad that much of the information that these people are searching for about how to lose weight and belly fat is false or mostly inaccurate.


Belly Fat

Maybe you are  your own worst enemy in your pursuit of losing your belly fat?

False information will leave most of the people who are trying to lose their belly fat, frustrated, depressed and de-motivated to do anything else about that sagging waste line or round tire middle that is hurting them physically and emotionally. 

Be honest! Are you sabotaging your plan to lose your belly fat with the following myths?

1. Belly Fat will not be Burned up with Cardio.

Former Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper and creator of the highly successful fat belly burning system called, The Fat Decimator, says, "Yes, cardio does burn calories, it’s true. And yes, some cardio is good for you. Light cardio promotes a healthy heart and increases your endurance. On the other hand, though… heavy cardio begins to have the opposite effects," on losing weight.

"You don't lose belly fat with Cardio," says Cooper. Why? Because a lot of heavy Cardio is hard of your knees and feet and too much Cardio adds scar tissue to your heart - increases chance of a heart attack.

Belly Fat

You must learn what cardio is good for you and which type has the  opposite effect.

Excessive cardio has the reverse effect on losing weight. Cooper says our bodies are genetically designed to survive. Our bodies are to store energy as fuel for immediate use, such as when we are in danger, and stores food when food was scare, such as in historic times. Today, those wanting to lose belly fat don't have a problem finding food. So, the built-in safety feature of storing fat is rarely needed.

So, what happens when we deprive our bodies of nutrients it requires, either by starving ourselves or over taxing our body with extreme cardio? Our body switches into survival mode and stores fat instead of burning fat and that’s why we can't get rid of those unattractive “love handles.”

2. Belly Fat will not be Burned up by removing Salt from your        diet.

Like sheep, we follow the herd, the trend, and the "latest greatest" buzz words in the media and celebrity gossip concerning diets and losing belly fat.

Losing weight is over a $70 billion-dollar industry that keeps producing “How to Lose Weight” miracle wonders in the form of pills, foods, workout programs, exercise equipment, vibrating belts, worthless drinks, and recipes that millions try only to be discouraged and disappointed with the money lost and the weight they continue to carry and gain.

It seems that we go from one extreme to another and are always finding enemy targets to criticize and condemn as the reason for us not losing weight. Cooper notes that in early 2000, carbs became fitness public enemy #1. He says, "All of a sudden, people who a year before barely even knew what carbohydrates were began to go on no carb diets. Then it was gluten. Again, before 2010 or so, most folks never even heard of gluten-free, and now, it seems like every food has a gluten-free substitute and half of all living humans are allergic to it."

Do you know what the number one most attacked food item even before 1970's was? Salt!

Belly Fat

Salt is an incredibly important element in any good weight loss program.

"The truth is," says Cooper, "Salt is absolutely vital to your body’s health. It’s needed in the bio-chemistry of your cells. Yet even more obvious is that when you cut salt out of your diet, you inhibit your body’s ability to digest food! And of course, that means putting on more weight and limiting the amount of nutrients you can absorb."

Salt is necessary, explains Cooper, because it helps balance and optimize the PH level in your stomach that makes sure the stomach acid is strong enough to break down the food you eat so that the nutrients in your food can more effectively be absorbed as it passes through your digestive tract.

What seems to go against many popular weight loss systems, Cooper says, is that "Salt is actually one incredibly important element in any good weight loss program."

3. Belly Fat is Directly Linked to Our Addiction to Sugar.

Fast Food Restaurants can change their menus and large soft drinks can be banned from being sold, but the biggest enemy of obesity, many diseases and sabotages more weight loss diets is something that Cooper says, "... is found in virtually every can, box or bag of food in the grocery aisle that's incredibly addictive, almost immediately turns to fat when you eat it, and is one of the leading causes of most of the ailments we suffer today? So, what is this killer, which is not only ignored by the government but actually supported by it - Sugar!

Belly Fat

Sugar is Addictive!  Processed sugar in its many forms is one of the most used ingredients in all processed and packaged foods. Things that we go grocery shopping for every week is loaded with  addictive harmful sugar.

Sugar is Addictive! Processed sugar in its many forms is one of the most used ingredients in all processed and packaged foods. There are at least 61 different names for sugar listed on food labels. These include common names, such as sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup, as well as barley malt, dextrose, maltose and rice syrup, among others.

Common simple carbs added to foods include:

  1. Raw sugar
  2. Brown sugar
  3. Glucose and Fructose
  4. Fruit juice concentrate...

The key is to know what types of food to put into your body if you want to lose weight. You've heard the old saying, "Everything that shines, isn't gold." Well, it's the same with food. Just because a fruit or vegetable looks good doesn't mean that the results of eating that type of food or drinking that type of drink or juice is going to benefit you and help you to lose belly fat or to gain maximum both health and fitness. Click on the banners below to learn what foods and drinks can sabotage your diet plan.

Belly Fat

Here's a quick list of sugars that can be listed on a label and should be avoided:

  1. Agave nectar
  2. Brown sugar
  3. Cane crystals
  4. Cane sugar
  5. Corn sweetener
  6. Corn syrup
  7. Crystalline fructose
  8. Dextrose...

There are some ingredients in food and drink that are called hidden sugars because these ingredients are not seen as sugar, but still cause tooth decay. Things that we go grocery shopping for every week is loaded with sugar, if we will read the labels. Food such as: soup, salad, dressing, instant potatoes, juice, frozen foods and even baby foods have addictive - sugar.

You must learn to read labels and learn the many names that will destroy your diet and keep you lugging around that unwanted belly fat.

Belly Fat

The small amounts of vitamins and antioxidants in the juice do not make up for the large amount of sugar that many juices you find in your grocery stores. Fruit juice, such as orange juice, is often perceived as healthy. I mean, why would we not think it is healthy, it is a natural drink and has the word fruit in it. But beware, fruit juice is loaded with sugar. In fact, fruit juice contains just as much sugar and calories as a sugary soft drink... and sometimes even more.

Fruit juice isn't always what it seems, even the higher quality types have gone through processing methods that remove the flavor, making it necessary to add "flavor packs" to bring them back to their original state.

Which has More Sugar, Coca Cola or Apple Juice?

Take a look at the breakdown for a 12 ounce (350 ml) portion of Coca Cola and apple juice:

Coca Cola: 140 calories and 40 grams of sugar (10 teaspoons)
Apple juice: 165 calories and 39 grams of sugar (9.8 teaspoons)

This is the ugly truth about fruit juice... most types contain a similar amount of sugar as a sugar-sweetened beverage, sometimes with even more total calories!

One serving of Orange Juice 8-Ounce Glass contains 22 grams of sugar, compared to an 8-Ounce of Dr. Pepper that contains 27 grams of sugar. That's about 6 spoonfuls of sugar in one glass of orange juice.

Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper

         Author of         The  Fat Decimator

Sergeant Kyle Cooper says:

"Sugar is a killer and, while okay in small quantities, is extremely unhealthy, fattening and addictive. That’s right – thousands of independent clinical studies have shown that sugar is more addictive than cocaine and even heroine… …and it’s in virtually everything we eat!"

"Sugar almost immediately turns to fat when you eat it, and is one of the leading causes of most of the ailments we
suffer today."

Former Gunnery Sergeant Kyle Cooper, met a Korean medical student in Afghanistan helped him to view food differently and diet by introducing him to an ancient way in eastern cultures of looking at health, fitness and weight loss.

In Cooper's new belly fat burning weight loss system he revels the myths behind weight loss and scientifically proven and tested truths that the billion-dollar weight loss industry refuses to reveal to you.

The Fat Decimator system can help you lose that belly fat in record time. You'll start seeing results in 72 hours.

To learn the truths about how you can drop unsightly pounds rapidly and permanently, Check  out the video below that introduces Cooper's The Fat Decimator system.

Don't forget to read Part 2 of how to identify the myths that might be keeping you from having the body you've always wanted. Click here for Part 2.

Belly Fat

About the Author Kyle Cooper

Former Marine Sergent Kyle Cooper has given much of his life to the military in service to our country. Today Kyle works with people from all over the world who attend his weight-loss boot camp. He teaches a whole new approach, that is incredibly effective, in how to lose unwanted and dangerous fat in a matter of weeks.
